Purchasing a home is one of the most significant investments you will ever make. You will have many questions along the way. “Why do I need an attorney? What should I expect when applying for my mortgage? Should I use the lender’s attorney? What do I have the right to know about the property I am buying? What do I need to know about the contract? What should I know about the moving date? What is title insurance?” Attorney Chenette will take the time to personally answer any questions you have along the way. When you are thinking about buying, a free consultation with Attorney Chenette is a great way to understand everything you will encounter in the weeks or months leading up to closing.

Buying a Home

Selling a Home
Selling a Home
Selling your home is the start of major changes in your life. There will be new beginnings that can be stressful and exciting all at once. Whether this is your first home or fifth home, every transaction is different and you will have questions along the way. “What is a listing agreement? Do I need to sign a listing agreement? What do I need to know if I am selling my home without an agent? What do I need to know about the moving date? What is a ‘fixture’ of the property? What do I need to tell the new buyers about my property? What are ‘closing adjustments?’ Do I have to be at the closing?” Contact Attorney Chenette to set up a free consultation and discuss the questions, details and concerns of selling your home.
What is a “short sale?” A short sale can occur when a property is encumbered by more debt than the property is selling for. Since the proceeds are “short” of paying off all debts secured against the property, the seller of the property would have to request a short sale approval from the lien holders. If agreed upon, the lien holders would release the liens and/or mortgages on the property for less than they are owed. If the short sale is approved by the bank, the closing can occur. This explanation is extremely simplified as there are many different government programs that may apply, and several negotiations that may have to take place between the parties involved. If you are in the process of selling your home via a short sale, please contact Chenette Law Offices for a free consultation. These transactions can take longer than a traditional transaction and require a large amount of due diligence by the seller. Whether you are purchasing or selling a home involved in a short sale, our office has the expertise to facilitate the process and answer all of your questions along the way.
If you are in the process of purchasing a bank owned property, there are many things you should know before you sign the contract. Often times, the contract does not allow for the inspection contingencies and mortgage contingencies that can protect a buyer’s deposit. Make sure you understand all of the terms of the contract before you sign. With thousands of transactions completed, Attorney Chenette can sit down with you and provide a detailed overview of the process and summarize the terms of the contract you are signing and provide you with a clear explanation of what to expect.

Short Sales/Bank Owned Property

Relocation Services
If you are being relocated by your employer, there is often a relocation company involved in the move. There are many different people who will be working with you and helping you throughout the transition. Our office understands the relationships and the relocation process from beginning to end. The final settlement will involve communications with your relocation provider, lender and you to make sure the final accounting is as smooth as possible, and that you receive all of the benefits your relocation package provides.
Whether you are purchasing an entire business, renting space, purchasing a building, or thinking about becoming a landlord, you should speak with us before signing anything. Commercial transactions can be very complicated and when you are involved in these types of contracts, you need to know that you are held to a higher standard of knowledge. Our office will help you work through the contract or lease agreement and make sure your business goals are obtained.

Commercial Real Estate

Mortgage Refinancing
There are many reasons for refinancing your mortgage. You may want to shorten the term to pay off your mortgage as soon as possible, simply get a lower rate, or you may want to take equity out of your home to consolidate other debts or to complete home improvement projects. Attorney Chenette will take the time to answer all of your questions the refinancing process. You are entitled to have an attorney of your choice represent your interests during the refinance process and our office takes pride in facilitating the transaction. We will even complete the closing at your home if that is most convenient for you.
This topic may include anything from building a shed on your property, subdividing parcels of land or setting up your business within the community. What you can and cannot do within a town is controlled by the town’s regulations. Every municipality is different and the process differs from community to community. Our office will guide you through the process, assist with any permits that may be needed, and will attend any public hearings that may be necessary to help you accomplish your goals. Some permits may require a simple filing fee, while other projects may require you to attend meetings and get the approval of several of the commissions and boards within your town. Our office can facilitate the process and work with you through the completion of your land use applications.

Land Use

Estate Planning/Wills
Protecting your assets and investments for future generations can be clarified through estate planning. If you do not have a will, the law will determine how your estate will pass and, most importantly, who will be responsible to care for your minor children. Help protect your family and your assets by putting together a comprehensive estate plan with our office. Every situation is different and every family has unique concerns and goals. In most cases, a “simple will” can provide peace of mind that the estate you work so hard to build, will then be passed on appropriately to future generations. Contact our office for a free consultation.